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Episode #232: Watershed IPA

Life On Tap Episode #232 - Vanished Valley Watershed IPA

Between persistent site hackers and copious deadlines at work, Dan finally jumps back into tasting care of some beer from Iron Sherv.

Vanished Valley Watershed IPA

From their website:
6.7% ABV. This is the second IPA we created in celebration of a very good friend – an Ol’ Timer! Watershed is packed full of citrus and tangerine notes as a result of some heavy dry hopping!”


Juice-like, hazy and middle yellow in color with an off-white head.


Even a foot away from my nose, tangerine juice hit me on the initial pour. A pleasant juicy/sugary note came through with some Navel orange notes as well.


Continues on the juice approach, leading into a side of citrus zest, and closes out with a hint of citrus and grapefruit pith and a slightly dry finish. Definitely dry-hopped a ton.


Not sure what their water profile is like, but there was a pleasant alkalinity which contributed to a soft, supple mouthfeel and accentuated the juice flavor essences.


This is their second New England IPA, and it is pretty true to style. Not sure how many pounds per barrel went into the dry hop, but it is definitely evident. I was craving an Asian-style chicken salad with this one. Thanks again to Iron Sherv for sharing, and I look forward to trying more from them!

Cheers and remember:

Life’s a tap…drink up ’til it’s dry.

All music on this show came to us from the now defunct Music Alley.
Intro: “Meet Me At The Bar” by The Beer Drinking Fools
Outtro: “Bubblegum and Beer” by The Supersuckers

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