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Episode # 323: Temperance

Life On Tap Episode #323: Temperance (Wild East Brewing Company Temperance, Dark Mild)

While visiting Wild East, Dan saw and immediately ordered Temperance, a dark mild, which he also brought back home for some malty goodness.

Wild East Brewing Company Temperance

STYLE: Dark Mild
ABV: 3.5%
IBU: 17
AVAILABILITY: 16oz Cans, Draft (Limited)

Stats above taken from the brewery’s can, website, and Untappd.


Deep, dark amber to light brown with a tan head.


Toasty bread with a hint of roastiness and some light toffee notes.


A malty blanket for your palate, with many of the bread-related notes continuing with toffee coming back on the finish.


Despite being a sub-4% beer, it has a good body/weight that it brings to the mouthfeel.


I think I could have a few of these at any time of day, save for being outside in the heat or sun. Food-wise, my mind went for British flavors or Shepherd’s Pie, but perhaps also a simple steak or some lamb dishes would slay and maybe even some coffee cake.

Thank you so much to Joel for joining me on a mini-crawl to Wild East and other locations!

Cheers and remember:

Life’s a tap…drink up ’til it’s dry.

All music on this show came to us from the now defunct Music Alley.
Intro: “Meet Me At The Bar” by The Beer Drinking Fools
Outtro: “Bubblegum and Beer” by The Supersuckers

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