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Episode #64: Aww, shucks! You're dressed up.

A bit of a long episode, I’m sorry.  Guess I’m just a little worn out and nervous because of all of my medical drama.  Also, grammar FAIL.
Beer of the Week:

Flying Fish Brewing Company Exit 1
Link Love:
Iron Sherv
Zicklin Media and Entertainment Association

“Exit 4”
(Episode 52)
Wine Library
Derrick Kwa’s Sui Generis and Counting The Odds

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Posted in Podcast


  1. Derrick Kwa

    Hey, I just picked up on this, thanks for the link. =). And I'm glad you've found Disqus – it's awesome, isn't it?

  2. Derrick Kwa

    Hey, I just picked up on this, thanks for the link. =). And I'm glad you've found Disqus – it's awesome, isn't it?

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